August Review

Despite being busy with private events and wedding, I was lucky enough to play Retro on Roscoe with Blue Aura a few weeks ago!  This is my FAVORITE Chicago festival and right down the street from my old stomping ground!  Not only did we beat the rain, but some of my favorite people come out for good times and great music which always makes for a great gig:)  Big shout out to those who support me and live music in general as I couldn't do this without you.  

Now that the kids are back in school and wedding season is in full swing, unfortunately I don't have many public events coming up this month.  That said, I'm working on a few new things that I'm hoping to launch this fall so be sure to stay tuned!  I'm excited and you should be, too.  Be sure to follow me through social media for more up to date gig updates!