What a year this has been.  From the bottom of my heart, thank you SO much for supporting live music and for following me and my musical endeavors this past year.  My soul is truly full of gratitude.  Sharing my talent with friends, family, and my community has proven to be fulfilling in ways I never knew possible.  In fact, come January I'm excited to say there will be a few fun announcements coming from me:)  So stay tuned and check my events page for details regarding the remaining shows I have this year!  

Happy Holidays!

August Review

Despite being busy with private events and wedding, I was lucky enough to play Retro on Roscoe with Blue Aura a few weeks ago!  This is my FAVORITE Chicago festival and right down the street from my old stomping ground!  Not only did we beat the rain, but some of my favorite people come out for good times and great music which always makes for a great gig:)  Big shout out to those who support me and live music in general as I couldn't do this without you.  

Now that the kids are back in school and wedding season is in full swing, unfortunately I don't have many public events coming up this month.  That said, I'm working on a few new things that I'm hoping to launch this fall so be sure to stay tuned!  I'm excited and you should be, too.  Be sure to follow me through social media for more up to date gig updates!

July Review

August already!?!?

Why does it feel like summer has already come and gone?  Guess it's true. Time sure does fly when you're having fun!  These last few weeks I couldn't help but feel grateful for all the wonderful people who I'm surrounded by.  From the most talented musicians Chicago has to offer to my incredibly supportive husband and friends, I couldn't feel more fortunate to do what I do. Lucky for me,  it all continues this  month!  If you didn't catch me in July, there are still a few opportunities to join me for some musical fun before the kids are back in school! Check out my events page and come see me!

June Review


June was full of pool time, a few quick family trips, and of course I got to make music with some of the best musicians Chicago has to offer.  Whiskey Road welcomed the lovely and talented Heidi to our musical family.  She made her debut with us at Tailgaters where line dancing was taught to our entire country set- super fun!  Blue Aura played to a full house in the beer garden at Potter's Place in Naperville on a gorgeous summer evening.  And last but not least, Bluewater Kings Band hooked me up with some sweet gig venues including Columbia Yacht Club, Rooftop Terrace at Millenium Park, Sagatuck Center for the Arts, and my favorite, Scoville Park for an all ages show that my friends and family came out to enjoy.  What can I say?! Life.  Is.  Good.:)

Check my events page to see where you can catch me this month.  Come party with me!

May Review

School's Out For... SUMMER!!!

What a lovely month May has proven to be:)  My kids celebrated the end of the school year and I was able to sing at a few fabulous events along the way!  

Whiskey Road opened for international recording artist Karin Elizabeth at Firewater Saloon as part of Edison Park's "Off the Track" music festival.  Blue Aura performed at House of Blues Chicago for a private party, and I was fortunate to play a few fabulous Chicago weddings with The Bluewater Kings Band.

June holds a few opportunities to catch me LIVE including a couple of  "all-ages" shows!  So pack up the family, grab your sunscreen, and come enjoy good times and great music with me!  Check my events page for details!

April Review

Welcome, May!  It's so good to see you:)

Yesterday I got to kick this month off right with Blue Aura at Welch Elementary in Naperville.  They successfully hosted their first ever Color Run and were able to raise enough money to provide Ukulele's for their music program!  Despite the chili weather, I managed to enjoy myself and and was excited to be a part of making music a priority in our schools.  

Other highlights from this month include my daughters piano recital, running my first 10K, and kicking off Wedding Season with Bluewater Kings Band!  

So now that the days are longer and the sunshine is more consistent, why not come out and see me this month.  You know you want to.  Check my events page for details:)

March Review

Spring is in the air!

Hopefully you are enjoying this burst of sunshine and these warmer temperatures as much as I am.  With wedding season just around the corner, I'm happy to say there are a few opportunities to catch me "live" in April before I'm singing my heart out in the name of love at gigs not open to the public:) So come on out and see me while you can!

February Review

Spring fever, anyone?

Yeah, me too.  The good news is sunshine, festivals, and beer gardens are just around the corner! WOOHOO!!!  Until then, here's whats going on in my world.

February flew by with a few great shows. Blue Aura learned some new tunes (thanks for all your requests;), which we got to feature at a fundraiser for a local high school- what a blast!  And Whiskey Road welcomed a new guitarist at a killer Valentine's Day show at Star Bar on the South Side.  Feeling lucky to have such amazing musical families in my corner.  

With wedding season quickly approaching, be sure to catch me "live" while you still can!  Check my events page for details!

January Review


Hopefully you are fully recovered from the  holiday season and doing your best to stay warm. I have to say January just flew by!  Not only was I able to do a few fun gigs, but I was able to be an audience member at a couple cool events, too!  Chris and I got to see John Oliver at the Chicago Theater on New Years Eve and I introduced my daughters to the king of pop at a Michael Jackson Tribute Show. Whether I'm preforming or observing, supporting live music and theater will always be my happy place:)  Check my events page to see where I'm at this month!  It's always special to have familiar faces in the crowd;)

December Review

Happy New Year!  

What a wonderfully hectic month December was.  Some highlights include a successful Toys for Tots event, playing Illumination at The Morton Arboretum, and being a part of a few beautiful winter weddings.  Hopefully you had a great holiday season filled with happiness, laughter, and good times with the ones you love.

January isn't a terribly busy month for me musically, but check my events page for a couple opportunities to catch me "live!"  If you'd like more up to date information, please follow me through social media.  Hope to see you soon!

November Review

Happy Holidays!

December already?!  Time sure does fly when you're having fun!  Though I wasn’t out singing with my bands in November, I had two musical opportunities pop up that I couldn’t resist! 

Early in the month I was a featured vocalist with the band Kickbend on an episode of WDSRA’s (Western DuPage Special Recreation Association) Video Ventures.  Hopefully I’ll be able to post footage of the interview and live performances to my Facebook page soon.  Then last weekend I was able to get back to my theatre roots as a featured storyteller at Davenport’s Piano Bar & Cabaret’s, “After Party”.  I feel so fortunate to have different ways to channel my musical energy, especially when it comes to trying something new.  Thanks to Dom Stasi and Mickey York for including me on these fun endeavors; what a blast:)

To those looking to celebrate the season with some live music, now’s your chance to see me in action. There are plenty of opportunities to bring the kids out, too!  I greatly appreciate your support; if I don't see you soon hopefully I'll catch you in the New Year!  Wishing you a healthy, happy, and safe holiday season!


October Review


October turned out to be a wonderfully musical month personally and professionally.  I was able to wrap up wedding season with the Bluewater Kings Band, Whiskey Road provided music during a massive event at 115 Bourbon Street to help raise money for a friend and her family in need, and Blue Aura played outside on a gorgeous Sunday in St. Charles during Scarecrow Fest! I got to sing with my daughter Charlotte and her best friends, and of course the love and support my friends and family bring with them to my gigs is truly what makes me happy:)

This month I have decided to take some time off to celebrate my 9 year wedding anniversary as well as my daughter's 8th birthday.  Ok, I'm also looking forward to sleeping a bit, too:)  Though I may not be out singing a whole lot in the next few weeks, there are a few events I'm excited to be a part of, as well as many opportunities to catch me in December!  Keep up with my schedule by signing up for my monthly emails or follow me through social media.

September Review


September is always my busiest time of the year, but its also one of my favorites!  The weather is great, the kids are back in school, and I get to celebrate good times with great music at festivals and weddings:)  

Whiskey Road was on fire this month!  We played a new club (thanks for a great evening, Q-Bar Glendale Heights!), we kicked off Chicago's Toys for Tot's season at their annual party, AND we provided the entertainment at Phantom Harley Davidson's 3rd Anniversary Bash!  Blue Aura got to play our first formal wedding at Heritage Prairie Farm which went flawlessly, and I had an opportunity to do an additional 5 local weddings (all close to home:-) with The Bluewater Kings Band.

There are 4 opportunities to hear me with all 4 of my current bands this month, all open to the public! Come out and see me!


August Review

What a wonderful month August proved to be.  The weather was fabulous which made all my outdoor events a success!  Whiskey Road was very busy with Retro on Roscoe and The Willow Springs Car show being the highlights.  And Blue Aura was able to kick off the school year at an elementary school event in St. Charles!  Though summer break is officially over in my household, I am happy to say Chris and my girls were able to make it out to multiple shows of mine-even a Bluewater Kings Band showcase- making my job completely worthwhile:)

September is gonna be crazy good with a few opportunities to see me live so check my events page, mark your calendars, and come celebrate good times with great music with me!

July Review

Thanks so much for your interest and support!

July was full of fun gigs with all 3 of my current projects.  Blue Aura was able to play a few fabulous private events, I traveled to Michigan's Upper Peninsula and Champaign, IL to sing at a few beautiful weddings with Bluewater Kings Band, and Whiskey Road rocked for a cause at the annual "Toys-for-Tots" Chicagoland Motorcycle Parade!  August will be just as busy with private events, but be sure to check my events page for opportunities to catch me live in August!

Happy Summer!

Thanks for stopping by!  So far this summer has been filled with fun gigs in the Chicago area as well as a few weddings in "Harbor Country." A major highlight was getting to share the stage with my daughter, Charlotte, during a Blue Aura show at The Filling Station in St.Charles.  Of course having friends and family there made it extra special:)  I also enjoyed traveling to Glen Arbor, Michigan with The Bluewater Kings Band for a wedding at The Mountain Flowers Lodge. The event began with a beautiful mountain top ceremony complete with perfect weather and breathtaking views, only to be followed by an energetic 3 hours of dance music.  It was quite a treat to be a part of it all.

Though most of my gigs are private events this month there are a few Whiskey Road gigs open to the public!  So check out my "Events" page and come celebrate summer and live music with me!